Colorectal cancer is one of the two leading causes of death. Although conventional treatment, chemotherapy, and use of medicines is the most common way to address this issue, many people claim that they have managed to cure this disease with the help of alternative medicine.
For instance, a man named Chris Wark is one of those people. He has a website called ‘Chris Beat Cancer’, where he encourages people to beat cancer naturally, without undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.
Needless to say, prevention is always better than the cure. Therefore, you should prevent the development of colorectal cancer by avoiding stress, exercising moderately, and avoiding the standard American diet, which is unhealthy.
Not long ago, it has been found that there a food which is extremely potent when it comes to preventing colon cancer. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that purple potatoes are an amazing tool against colon cancer.
The Color Purple
Purple potatoes contain anthocyanins which attack the colon cancer stem cells, the mothers of all cancer cells.
Cancer cells are resistant to traditional oncology treatments, meaning that they are left with an ability to create more of them. This is why cancer often re-appears after remission from radiation or chemotherapy.
In a recent study from Penn State, researchers used cooked (baked) potatoes, instead of raw. It has been found that anthocyanins cause death of cancer cells.
The team of researchers used extracts from baked potatoes in their in vitro and in vivo studies. The results showed that baked purple potatoes reverse tumor growth.
Purple potatoes originate from Peru and luckily, they are not spread enough so that Monsanto has an interest in genetically modifying them. These potatoes can be found in most health foods stores and can be prepared in many different ways. Given the fact that they are small, the best would be to boil and mash them with sea salt and organic butter.
Moreover, you can prepare a potato salad as well! Prepare your own mayonnaise or get a healthy version without canola or soy oil.
Note that purple potatoes are not the only source of anthocyanins. For instance, plums and dark tart cherries are one of the best sources of these compounds. Of course, these fruits should be eaten raw.
What About the Starches?
There is a starch which is known to take longer to digest to create sugar and it is not resistant. Even though it disappears upon cooking, it comes back after cooling it off. Therefore, this resistant starch is found in pastas, peas, and potato salads of both white and purple potatoes.
Resistant starch is pretty high in purple potatoes. It contains chlorogenic acid, a tumor fighter and potent antioxidant. The highest amount of this substance can be found in starchy foods which are cooked and then cooled.
For instance, a man named Chris Wark is one of those people. He has a website called ‘Chris Beat Cancer’, where he encourages people to beat cancer naturally, without undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.
Needless to say, prevention is always better than the cure. Therefore, you should prevent the development of colorectal cancer by avoiding stress, exercising moderately, and avoiding the standard American diet, which is unhealthy.
Not long ago, it has been found that there a food which is extremely potent when it comes to preventing colon cancer. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that purple potatoes are an amazing tool against colon cancer.
The Color Purple
Purple potatoes contain anthocyanins which attack the colon cancer stem cells, the mothers of all cancer cells.
Cancer cells are resistant to traditional oncology treatments, meaning that they are left with an ability to create more of them. This is why cancer often re-appears after remission from radiation or chemotherapy.
In a recent study from Penn State, researchers used cooked (baked) potatoes, instead of raw. It has been found that anthocyanins cause death of cancer cells.
The team of researchers used extracts from baked potatoes in their in vitro and in vivo studies. The results showed that baked purple potatoes reverse tumor growth.
“You might want to compare cancer stem cells to roots of the weeds,” said Penn State Jairam K.P. Vanamala. “You may cut the weed, but as long as the roots are still there, the weeds will keep growing back and, likewise, if the cancer stem cells are still present, the cancer can still grow and spread.”
Purple potatoes originate from Peru and luckily, they are not spread enough so that Monsanto has an interest in genetically modifying them. These potatoes can be found in most health foods stores and can be prepared in many different ways. Given the fact that they are small, the best would be to boil and mash them with sea salt and organic butter.
Moreover, you can prepare a potato salad as well! Prepare your own mayonnaise or get a healthy version without canola or soy oil.
Note that purple potatoes are not the only source of anthocyanins. For instance, plums and dark tart cherries are one of the best sources of these compounds. Of course, these fruits should be eaten raw.
What About the Starches?
There is a starch which is known to take longer to digest to create sugar and it is not resistant. Even though it disappears upon cooking, it comes back after cooling it off. Therefore, this resistant starch is found in pastas, peas, and potato salads of both white and purple potatoes.
Resistant starch is pretty high in purple potatoes. It contains chlorogenic acid, a tumor fighter and potent antioxidant. The highest amount of this substance can be found in starchy foods which are cooked and then cooled.
“Resistant starch is found in peas, beans and other legumes, green bananas, and also in cooked and cooled starchy products like sushi rice and pasta salad. You have to consume it at room temperate or below — as soon as you heat it, the resistant starch is gone. But consumed correctly, it appears to kill pre-cancerous cells in the bowel”, University of Colorado School of Medicine food researcher Janine Higgins says.